Snowboard Workout Program
CPT Fitness

Cardiovascular Training

Cardiovascular conditioning trains the ability of the three major systems (pulmonary, cardiovascular, and muscular) to take in, transport and utilize oxygen. Improving these systems increases your total work capacity. What you get out of it are more rides down the mountain without running out of steam! Check out the details below.

The Details

3-5 days per week
Heart rate monitoring: When you exercise, the heart beats faster to meet the demand for more blood and oxygen by the muscles of the body. The higher the intensity, the faster the heart will beat. This is why heart rate monitoring can be your best coach! It lets you know if your working too hard or not hard enough. To find your estimated target heart rate Take "220 - age x .60 = Low end of training heart rate" then take "220 - age x .85 = High end of training heart rate" For general conditioning keep on the low end of the training heart rate. For higher intensity keep on the higher end of the training heart rate. For interval training try one minute at the high end, then one minute at the low end. Alternate for 15 - 20 minutes. Remember this is just an estimate. If you feel like you're exercising too hard, you probably are. Reduce the intensity.
Perceived exertion: Another way to monitor exercise intensity is by ratings of perceived exertion (RPE); basically, how you feel overall when you exercise. I prefer perceived exertion because of the fact that sensory input from the muscles, joints, breathing rate, and heart rate are taken into consideration. It's also easy to use. Used by itself or in conjunction with heart rate monitoring provides a excellent way to gauge how hard you're working. How to Use RPE: On a scale between 1 (no exertion at all) and 10 (the hardest you have ever physically worked), train between 4 and 6 for general conditioning. For advanced interval workouts try alternating one minute at 5 then one minute at 7. Repeat for 15 - 20 minutes
30 - 45 minutes for general conditioning. 15 - 20 minutes for interval training
Activity choice:
Any activity that uses the large muscle groups, you can maintain the required time and intensity, and is aerobic in nature (e.g., running, jogging, hiking, swimming, biking, stair climbing, rowing....). Many sport activities may qualify as cardiovascular conditioning as long as they maintain intensity for a extended period of time. Many riders favor the jump-rope for its combined cardiovascular and plyometric effect.

Copyright 2001, Ron McConnell. All rights reserved.
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